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My Story
Here’s the truth
For years I suffered with symptoms of IBS, weight fluctuations, lack of self-belief and self-love and then breaking down at work with the full impact of menopausal symptoms, was my final tipping point. I felt like I was going mad, I was anxious, kept forgetting things, flying off the handle with people for no real reason and it was the extreme tiredness and sore joints that broke me. It took this for me to realise that something major needed to be addressed in my life.
You see, I was abused child and for my whole life I had been running away from reality, trying to be anyone than who I really was and my focus on food and nutrition became a control mechanism to feel accomplished, yet now I needed to use my knowledge and skills to a greater purpose to help support me in my journey and managing the symptoms that were so deliberating. Yet it is way beyond that.
For years I was truly a mess inside and every time I tried showing that I had it all together, I was successful and living the dream life – I felt like a fraud, so the menopause episode helped me realise that I had to face what was really going on with me. And that compelled me to make some big moves and transformational changes.
It was then I found the life coaching course and qualification and really felt a calling to start defining my true purpose. I had helped so many people in the past and had huge successes, in helping them change their nutrition to feel more balanced, energised. Working with them to establish routines for exercise and time for their self, which in turn improved their relationship and managing their emotions, that my calling was to grow this and help many more, because each of us has a true purpose and to achieve this you need to be in an optimum balance of holistic wellbeing. This was when I started my own business, podcast, and blogs to share and unravel complexities that baffle so many of us.
Through the coaching programme I dug into the muck of my inner world and found a lot of truths that I had pushed away for so many years. The first one being that I constantly felt I was in a war zone, running from one thing to the next to survive and I had this need to feel safe and secure. I had in fact built my whole life around the need to feel secure, safe, and loved. I realised that I lost touch with myself and that was causing my unhappiness and I had no idea on how to just be myself.
Through the coaching programme and a huge amount of personal development work, I started to work through all the emotions and discomfort and the limiting beliefs – like if I ate avocados, I would get fat. That I managed to reconnect with my passions and found a vision of a life filled with possibilities. I healed my relationship with myself, my body and continued to nourish my body properly, yet allowed my body to truly rest and mediate.
My life today? It is better than I ever imagined it could be, and while not perfect and still filled with challenges, I have everything I need to manage everything with peace and calm. Blending all my expertise, my passions into one diverse bundle – coaching women around the globe to conquer their hormone health leading to transformation in emotions, relationships, and lifestyle, to speaking at events and hosting a podcast that can be downloaded worldwide.
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